No, I don't believe in life after death. I don't believe there is anything at all. I believe that we just die and then we are buried or cremated to become as one with the earth. I think, when we lose somebody they live on only in the hearts and minds of people they have touched and that is the only way they live on, therefore it is down to me to ensure that nobody forgets Hannah.
So why then am I a little obsessed with
white feathers? I see white feathers and I pick them up and bring them home and put them in a jar. I point white feathers out to my Husband who has kept one in his wallet. There are so many
white feathers and I have never noticed them before. Even when my Mum died. White feathers everywhere.
I have also started to wonder about a Garlic smell that appears in Hannah's room every now and again. We used to laugh because after school when Hannah and Ben went to Grandma's house they would always have Boursin Cheese every single time. I would pick them up and they would stink out the car with
Garlic, Hannah would breathe it on me on purpose! I would go into her room whilst she was doing her homework etc and her room would stink of Garlic. Why does her room stink of Garlic every now and again now?
I have had two dreams about Hannah since she died, the first she was with my Mum. She never met by Mum in real life, my Mum died whilst I was pregnant with Hannah but in my dream they were stood in my Dad's back garden, my Mum's arm was around Hannah's shoulders and Hannah's arm was tucked around her Nana's waist. They were smiling but didn't say anything, just smiled and looked happy. The second dream Hannah was three and she was wearing her favourite pink dungarees. I asked her why she was three and she said that she could be what she wanted to be.
Somebody said to me recently (another bereaved parent) that they thought I was wrong not believing in anything else after death, well not wrong but I can't think of more appropriate word, wrong sounds mean and the lady was not mean at all, quite the opposite. This lovely lady said that they believed she believed she would see her child again, she was adamant that she would and if she didn't, it didn't matter because she wouldn't know until she was dead anyway and she would then be in the same place anyway.
Maybe I don't really believe that we just die after all, maybe I am just saying that to myself to avoid being disappointed. What if some of these things are signs from Hannah and I am stubbornly ignoring them? She would laugh at this to be fair although by now she would probably be getting a little annoyed. Should I stop being such a skeptic and embrace these things and try and make myself believe? Will it bring me comfort believing in more??